Thursday, November 10, 2016

veterans day

  1. Show respect
  2. Moment of Silence
  3. Light up a candle
  4. Say “ Thank you”
  5. Donate to the USO
  6. Send a cheer postcard to the militaries families
  7. Place flowers and flags on their grave yard
  8. Proudly display your American Flag
  9. Help a homeless Veteran
  10. Volunteer at a VA Hospital
  11. Donate a stuffed animal to children of the veterans
  12. Display a yellow ribbon on car, clothes, plants, and around of trees.
  13. Donate to The Mission Continues
  14. Help Operation Home-frontShow respect
  15. Moment of Silence
  16. Light up a candle
  17. Say “ Thank you”
  18. Donate to the USO
  19. Send a cheer postcard to the militaries families
  20. Place flowers and flags on their grave yard
  21. Proudly display your American Flag
  22. Help a homeless Veteran
  23. Volunteer at a VA Hospital
  24. Donate a stuffed animal to children of the veterans
  25. Display a yellow ribbon on car, clothes, plants, and around of trees.
  26. Donate to The Mission Continues
  27. Help Operation Home-front
  28. Attend a Veteran’ Day Parade
  29. Attend a Veteran’ Day Parade

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