Tuesday, August 30, 2016

student suces

   "decision determine destiny"

          by Thoma.s.monson 

       to me this mean what ever decision you make will affect you.if you dont make the decision to do your work in class you get a f . if you decide not to clean your room your room will be messy. all your decision will affect you outcome. this decision will effect your destiny . if you decide not to go to school. you wont get a job with out education and then you'll just end up as a bum in the street. these type of descion will determine your destiny and your life .so make the right ones 

Friday, August 26, 2016

First week back to school
 I came to school and sat in class and did my work. my classes are pretty simple . i have music and spanish on top of my general class. in the first week my English teach gave us a assignment . i have to find a face in other thing and write about it . the rest of my class been fine


kd to gloden state 

kd went to golden state . golden to op now . they had enough talent as is klay,curry,draymond good as is Durant na taking them over the dam top .golden has one ring they about  to get 3 peat,break record . na but i dont want to jink it tho just have to wait till season start