A health science librarian conducts in-depth research on different medical topics in order to find the latest information available. These librarians are in charge of arranging and distributing clinical, scientific, and biomedical information for texts, journals, and electronic databases. Health science librarians are skilled at producing detailed bibliographies related to many different health fields, as well as publications and abstracts

salary - 70,000
To become a professional health science librarian,
you must first complete a high school education
with courses in science, math, and information
technology and management. A bachelor’s degree
in life sciences should then be followed by
a master’s degree in library science
As a health science librarian, you can expect to work in either the education or health industry. Of the 145,710 librarians recorded by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2011, 60,650 of them were employed in elementary and secondary schools. The next largest group of 42,910 health science librarians worked in local government offices under the OES designation conducting health-related research. Those who have a secondary specialization in a computer science and
database field will likely find even greater opportunities
for employment in a broad array of areas.
i would not like to be health librarian cause it doesn't interest me
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